Team Details

Anila Haq


Anila Haq has always excelled at anything she put her mind to. For the past 15 years, she was responsible for developing and running 17 companies under the banner of Haq Holdings alongside her husband. During that time, she was involved with every aspect of the business from development to management to customer relations. Learning from her time at Haq Holdings, she was confident enough in her skills to create a foundation for her next venture, Francorp Pakistan.

Anila Haq is a market leader in her field. Known for being a hard-working, reputable source in Pakistan, she has taken her years of experience to create demand for a market that did not exist 6 years ago. In the fall of 2012, she started Francorp Pakistan – an arm of Francorp International. With her leadership she curated a team that worked towards the goal of becoming a one-stop service for local businesses for all their franchising needs. Francorp’s aim is to provide a professional and trusted service to their clients, making franchising a profitable way to do business. Franchising can be very successful if you have the right team to guide you through the necessary processes. Limited capital requirements, improved opportunities for future financing, enhanced corporate image, company prestige, visibility and rapid growth are just a few advantages previous clients have experienced.

Francorp is the only company in Pakistan that provides professional documentation for Franchises by providing advice in their franchise sales process. Francorp’s brokerage services are certified by training and seminars that have been held by Francorp in international locations over the years.

Anila Haq plays more than one role in the success of this business. She consults, advises and structures brands to expand with the help of franchising locally and in international markets. At Francorp, she is responsible for looking after franchise documentation as well as keeping an eye on new concepts that might benefit from Francorp’s help. She is responsible for setting a benchmark for an industry that is still very new in Pakistan. Because of this, Anila Haq is seen as a mentor to developing businesses, and is always keen to help out smaller companies. Many companies seek her advice and guidance as she is aware of changing market conditions.

In the past few years, she has been making Franchising a more talked about subject, encouraging local businesses to try out this mode of expansion. Under the banner of Francorp, she has been a speaker at the Dawn Franchising and International Retail Conference. Recently, she has been on an esteemed panel of judges for the National Incubation Centre, where she critiqued local entrepreneurs and start-up businesses. She has also given speeches at Szabist for the course Power of Franchising in the Retail Sector to encourage students to think of Franchising as a promising career.

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)